Loit Eagle Neo-Retro CD Player Oozes Style ~ Multimedia Product Review

Loit Eagle Neo-Retro CD Player Oozes Style

Frankly we were in two minds as to whether to post about this particular gadget as, apart from imagery, we can deliver little in the way of either technical specifications or pricing on account of the fact that Art Lebedev have given us nothing to run with apart from imagery. But when a gadget looks as breathtakingly gorgeous as this Loit Eagle Neo-Retro CD Player how could we not offer a heads up here on TFTS?

Accordingly, we have little choice but to let the imagery speak for itself.

Rest assured, the moment we have further information concerning Loit Eagle Neo-Retro CD Player we’ll be offering an update in this post, however, in the meantime if this neo-retro style rocks your boat and you happen to be in the market for an iPod amplifier then then we recommend you take a look at the uber cool Shanling MC-30 Tube Amplifier iPod Music Center (which would compliment this device beautifully).